eHealthTrust - Electronic Medical Records
Have Questions?
Premium Account        $99 one-time fee
Secure. Automatic. Peace of Mind.
Having your information readily available ensures that your doctors can provide the best possible care. When time is of the essence, the right information could save your life!
How It Works
Think of eHealthTrust as a bank account for your electronic heath records. Health care providers make "deposits" into your "account," but you control the "withdrawals."
You store and access all your medical records and health information - all in one place, all online.
You have the power to take control of your health with eHealthTrust.
eHealthTrust will contact your doctors, labs and pharmacies on your behalf to collect your key medical records.
Why eHealthTrust Is Important
Patient control - Control who sees your medical
Value - Free for life after $99 one-time
   membership fee.
Organized - Your family's medical information is
   correct, complete and in one place.
Easy - Access to comprehensive lifetime
   health records.
Safety - Reduces preventable errors and drug
Protection - Highly-secure, absolutely private.
Trust - Run by an independent, doctor-
   founded organization.
Effortless - Your information gathered
Your Premium Account Includes:
♦ Automatic collection and maintenance of your
   medical records
♦ Prescription history directly from the pharmacy
♦ Lab results directly from the labs
♦ Medical records, eHealthTrust contacts your
   doctors on your behalf to collect your
   most important records
♦ After initial data collection fee, account is
   free for life
♦ Includes all the benefits of the Basic Free
Your Health Information. All in One Place. Automatically.
Copyright © 2010 eHealthTrust. All rights reserved. | HIPAA
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   eHealthTrust - 1-888-687-3432 Connect with us online: